About the Club
Lions Club Tallinn Reval
Lions Club Tallinn Reval was founded in 2003 by a team of enterprising women, who in addition to their own families, had ambition to help those in need: families, children, disabled people, the young and the old. The club is registered as a non-profit organisation. All club members are volunteers and are not remunerated for taking part in any of the organisation projects.
The members of the club are constantly dealing with heart-warming charity projects and have been supporting those in need for many years.
It is possible to support our projects through targeted sponsorship or through financial support for a certain project. Jointly, by uniting our abilities and determination we can achieve more, and together we can reach really high limits!
If you are interested in Lions Club Tallinn Reval charity projects or other activities, contact us and lets meet on a club event! To apply to become a member of the Lions Club an application to a specific club is required. Also, a recommendation is required from at least one active Lions club member. Learn more about the Lions club movement in Estonia on www.lions.ee.

Club events
The members of the club are constantly dealing with heart-warming charity projects and have been supporting those in need throughout the years.
Lions Club annual season lasts from September to June. Club members meet once a month over a dinner to discuss ongoing projects and activities. Our clubs’ traditions also include other joint activities. On many occasions these are merged with regular club meetings, where ongoing issues are discussed followed by interesting recreational activities. As an example, we have enjoyed our time together in cooking classes, wine cellars, pottery courses, art galleries, meeting with other clubs and interesting people.
In addition to regular club gatherings Lions Clubs all over Estonia organise various movements, charity events, competitions etc., to which other clubs are welcomed. Bowling, quizes, volley ball tournaments, joint visits to the theatre in Pärnu, Viljandi and Rakvere, gala dinners, concerts, club’s charter-nights and anniversary celebrations. The two biggest events taking place every year are Lions gala in spring, and family weekend in July with approximately 500-700 participants. These are just some of the fun activities we can do with the Lions.

Educational events for charitable causes
A wise man once said: interesting people do not get bored. This is certainly true for our members. Our exciting and informative club talks with various lecturers started from curiosity and enthusiasm towards self-development of our members – even our friends wanted to take part in these events. Thus, our small gatherings developed into charity events for a bigger audience. Donations collected on these events go to specific charity projects. These charitable events have been possible thanks to various lecturers who dedicate their time and passion to support our projects.
Thanks to lectures and educational fundraising events like this, many children have received their dream toy or necessities for Christmas; orphaned children in care have received a flower for their birthday or a real birthday celebration. A grandmother supporting her orphaned grandchild received a washing machine, so now no longer needs to do laundry by hand. These are small acts of kindness that have a lasting impact. If you too wish to join our fundraising events or offer support in any other way, please contact us.