Christmas spirit to children from Ukraine
We organized a Christmas event in Estonian national style to children from Ukraine studying in Lilleküla Gymnasium Räägu School.
Event was held in cooperation with Lions Clubs Estonia I region clubs on 11.01.2023 with the aim to introduce our Christmas traditions and bring joy into children days. Enjoyable event took place in Estonian Open Air Museum. Almost 400 children and their teachers participated.
Lions clubs arranged transportation and compiled a great program for the children in cooperation with the museum. During the event children moved in groups from one Open Air Museum building to another, in each of them different games and workshops took place. Santa Claus was also present and handed out gifts to children. Children could perform, read poems to and make pictures with Santa Claus. All wishes could be hanged onto a special Christmas wish tree. Hot soup, a drink and sweet pastry was served in front of Kolu Inn.
Long day was full of new experiences, smiles and joy. But importantly, both organizers and participants were satisfied.
Event coverage in different media channels:
Ukrainians are fighting for freedom of Europe and survival of our homes. So we can not stand by without action. We can not get tired of helping Ukraine. Only this way our homes would always have electricity, heating and water, and children would not need to hide in cold shelters.